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Independent Professional Services

Corporate Secretarial Services

Corporate Secretarial Services

The LawDeb Corporate Secretarial Services team covers markets and territories across the globe, and can take care of both high-volume compliance activities and more project-based requirements

Corporate Services

• Directors and Officers
• Structured Finance Company Secretarial
• Services Entity
• Management Accounting and Tax
• Facility Agent

Corporate Trust

• Bond Trustee & Security
• Trustee Escrow
• Agent Facility Agent
• Bespoke Trust Solutions

Pegasus - Your Pensions Executive

Strategic Pensions Management, Governance Services, Core Pension Scheme Secretary Services

Pensions Trustee

Independent Trustee, Trustee Chair, Sole Corporate Trustee

Safecall Whistleblowing Hotline and Training

Safecall, LawDeb’s leading independent whistleblowing subsidiary

Service of Process

• ISDA agreements
• Loan/Credit Facility Agreements
• Aircraft Lease Agreements
• Purchase Agreements 
• Bond/Indenture Issuance
• Shareholder Agreements
• Patriot Act (US).