Pegasus - Your Pensions Executive

Our story

We observed that as defined benefit pension schemes became a legacy issue, in-house pension teams became widely under-resourced. Increased regulation and complexity put further pressure on these limited resources. In our experience, this has meant greater reliance on more expensive advisers and/or members of the trustee boards to deliver across a spectrum of activities from routine governance and secretarial tasks through to strategic projects. We felt that we could provide more cost effective solutions to this challenge.

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Why Pegasus?

We draw upon the breadth and depth of experience across our team, and from wider industry insight, to ensure that our services remain relevant and that we embed best practice in the schemes we support.
We tailor our services to our clients’ needs and actively engage with them and their teams, including advisers, to shape and deliver bespoke solutions.
This invariably involves working flexibly as circumstances evolve and requirements change during the course of our appointments.
We are committed to consistently delivering quality and cost-effective solutions to our clients.

We are typically engaged to:

  • lighten the load on trustees, sponsors or the existing pensions executive team - this may be to address short term or longer term resourcing needs
  • provide independent specialist support on strategic, governance and operational issues
  • evaluate and enhance the value-add from advisers and suppliers
  • drive forward and provide over-sight for key projects
  • act as an interim or permanent trustee’s or corporate’s pensions executive arm

Our Services

Our services are designed to meet a common goal:

To deliver a well thought out strategy supported by strong governance and efficient operations.

This, coupled with an effective trustee board and a team of quality advisers, would deliver value for money and better outcomes for trustees, corporate sponsors and members.

Our role and services can be tailored to be as broad or specific as required to match the requirements of the trustee board or the in-house team we are working with.

How we help our clients deliver on the following:

Successful Strategic Change
  • Developing long term journey plans including de-risking strategy
  • Strategic review of governance and pensions resourcing model
  • Change projects management/oversight
    • risk transfer via buy-in/buy-out and longevity swap
    • member exercises
    • selection and transition of advisers/suppliers
    • data and GMP projects
    • DC investment transitions
Strong Governance Controls
  • Developing and delivering tools, policies and procedures to:
    • manage risk and demonstrate internal controls
    • assess trustee effectiveness
    • review adviser/supplier performance
    • select new trustees
    • assess and deliver TKU needs
Efficient Ongoing Operations
  • Meetings cycle management
  • Secretarial services
  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Contract management of suppliers and advisers
  • Resolution of complex member cases including IDRPs and discretions
  • Process review and improvement

To discuss how we could help, please email


“The team has stepped into a high profile pension scheme of significant size and complexity and comfortably taken on all of the challenges presented.”

Secretary to the Trustees, Royal Mail DC Pension Plan


Essential Guides

Practical guidance for trustee boards developed by our expert team

Articles & Practical Guidance

Top tips from the Pegasus team

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Meet the team

Profile image for Caitlin Coleman

Caitlin Coleman

Pensions Executive Administrator

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Stephanie Howell

Stephanie Howell

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Mike Ironside

Mike Ironside

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Andy Hunt

Andy Hunt

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Bill Jangra

Bill Jangra

Senior Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Chris Keating

Chris Keating

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for George Norval

George Norval

Senior Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for

Catherine Palarca

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Andy Peek

Andy Peek

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for

Suzy Roberts

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Mandy Seal

Mandy Seal

Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Lee Spithray

Lee Spithray

Senior Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for

Kathy Turpin

Senior Pensions Executive

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Martina Vatrtova

Martina Vatrtova

Pensions Executive Administrator

United Kingdom

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