
Prudence, integrity and strong leadership. These are the essential qualities an experienced chair brings to your pension scheme trustee board.

Put beneficiaries in good hands. An impartial and respected figure that inspires confidence, the chair exemplifies good governance and always acts in the best interests of pension scheme members.

The chair is pivotal in creating the conditions for trustee board effectiveness. From providing overall direction to championing the appointment of highly qualified trustee directors, the chair ensures board members work together to maintain a robust pension scheme that meets regulatory requirements and the needs of beneficiaries.

Choose the perfect chair

LawDeb provides unparalleled access to highly qualified chairs with intimate knowledge of work-based pension schemes and associated regulatory bodies.

Experience alone is insufficient, though. The role of chair calls for a particular mix of personal qualities, not least presence and authority. We can supply articulate and inspiring leaders with the ability to engage trustee directors and the pensions management team, and build positive working relationships in a constructive and consultative environment. In all cases, LawDeb can provide leadership tailored to the different styles of chairmanship required by each trustee board.

Our chairs exemplify:

  • Leadership—applying sufficient gravitas and sensitivity to operate effectively at all levels, both internally and externally, and devoting the time and focus to carry out the role effectively.
  • Operational effectiveness—encouraging valuable contributions from all trustee directors, and ensuring those with the appropriate expertise address complex, contentious and critical issues.
  • Good governance—weighing the interests of members, both individually and collectively, approving the annual report, financial statements and trustee report, and ensuring the business plan is reviewed annually and monitored regularly.

Thinking of appointing a new chair?

We can help. Please contact us or any of our team to discuss your requirements.

Contact us to find out more

Profile image for Mark Ashworth

Mark Ashworth

Chairman, Pensions

United Kingdom

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Profile image for Michael Chatterton

Michael Chatterton

Managing Director, Pensions

United Kingdom

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Kate Cullen

BD and Marketing Manager

United Kingdom

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